Morning Hustle: My Kick-Ass Routine for Peak Performance

My day begins at 4:30 am, a time I once considered the middle of the night but now embrace with vigor. It all starts with morning prayers and expressions of gratitude, a ritual that sets a positive tone for the day. Then, it’s time for box breathing—a badass breathing technique that sharpens my focus and and primes me to crush everything ahead. This is followed by a 10-minute session of visualization, where I picture my goals and the path to achieving them. These moments of intense clarity lock me in, fueling my mind to tear into whatever comes next with precision and power.

Next, I hydrate with a glass of water enriched with electrolytes, ensuring my body is well-prepared for the physical activities to come. Following hydration, it’s time for an intense MMA workout followed by a full-body stretching routine. This not only wakes up my muscles but also promotes flexibility and reduces the risk of injury. I’m all about pliability, pushing my body to stay flexible and resilient so I can hit harder and recover faster.

Coffee is my next stop—a moment to savor and plan. While enjoying my coffee, I review my planner, meticulously going over what needs to be accomplished for the day. This is an area where I previously struggled, but now I’ve turned it into one of my strengths. This step is crucial for maintaining my productivity and staying on track with my goals.

With my coffee in hand, I turn to reading some philosophy or French literature. This practice not only nurtures my relentless intellectual curiosity but also refines my mornings. Over the years, I had let my passion for intellectual pursuits fall by the wayside, but now I have rekindled it, enriching my life profoundly. I dedicate 10-15 minutes every morning to reading, which lets me finish around 6 or 7 books a year, not a huge number, but significant given my extremely busy schedule. This does not include the audiobooks I enjoy while driving or whenever I have a few extra moments.

Then, it’s time for a hike. I aim to cover five miles, a routine that has not only improved my physical health, but also transformed my mental acuity. Each step is a middle finger to my old fixed mindset and a declaration of war against any hint of indiscipline. Once a night owl and averse to even the thought of walking, I now relish the early morning air and the sense of accomplishment that comes with ripping myself out of the comfort zone.

Returning home, I make my bed—another small but significant task that fosters a sense of order and discipline. Breakfast follows, always plant-based with a focus on anti-inflammatory and alkalizing foods that are almost always organic and locally sourced. Supplements and a fruit smoothie with nuts and seeds is my usual choice, packed with nutrients to fuel my day. On the weekends if I go to the gym early, I will  have a protein shake afterwards with coconut milk to support muscle recovery and growth. This is another area where in the past I adhered to a strict nutritional regimen but just let it all go as my life slipped out of control becoming a junk food junkie. Not anymore!

I take my health very seriously. My diet regimen is rigorous, with alcoholic drinks reserved for the rarest of occasions, if at all. Alcohol is now incompatible with my strict nutrition and training regimen, making me essentially a non-drinker as I prioritize my health and fitness goals above all else. After breakfast and a refreshing shower, I’m ready to tackle the day’s work.

The benefits of having a structured morning routine are profound. It greatly enhances emotional well-being and productivity. For me, it fortifies my discipline, which is rock solid. I actually refer to it as Spartan discipline, a testament to unwavering commitment and relentless self-control. This transformation from a night owl to a morning person, rising at 4:30 am, is nothing short of remarkable. It mirrors my journey from despising walking to becoming an avid hiker—another leap out of my comfort zone.

This radical change originated from a deep realization: I had to change everything about myself or face dire consequences. My morning routine has become a cornerstone of my well-being. It reduces stress and anxiety, improves focus and drive, and makes me feel more grounded, connected, and extremely confident. With this solid foundation, I have the mental, emotional, and physical capacity to tackle challenges head-on. And above all, I am significantly less stressed, ready to face whatever comes my way with resilience and determination.

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